
MAX Academy LogoBuilding on the success of the internal, self-funded trainee program MAX created over 12 years, in September 2020, we launched the MAX academy.

The Academy provides crane operators, riggers and dogmen with Nationally recognised qualifications in:

  • Certificate III in Mobile Crane Operations
  • Certificate IV in Mobile Crane Operations

The Academy is a first-of-its-kind model in Australia changing the public perception that a one-week High-Risk Work ticket will provide a pathway into specialist lifting companies. Which is simply not the case.

National Skills Week 2023

MAX Academy was launched in September 2021 to address the challenges of attracting key people to the specialised lifting and allied industries plus providing vocational education & training (VET) and career pathways overall within MAX Services.

Proudly in August 2023, MAX Academy has career pathways for staff in Certificate III in business, mobile plant technology, mobile crane operations, heavy trailer mechanics, supply chain operations and heavy vehicle driving plus Certificate IV in mobile crane operations, training and assessment, WHS, management and engineering. Lou Sapio, MAX Academy manager conveys one success story about Todd (37 years old) who is the newest internal trainer/assessor to join the Academy.

“Todd started out as a car mechanic, moved into scaffolding and then joined MAX 7 years ago working in Moomba on a 2/2 roster. In his downtime, Todd completed his Certificate III & IV in mobile crane operations and WHS and is currently completing a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. After the birth of his first child, Todd decided to reduce his working away and MAX has been successful to retain Todd and his skills, with the opportunity for Todd to pass on experience and knowledge to our staff – all because he completed VET!”

In the Academy consecutively over an 18- and 24-month period, staff engage in training, experiences and exposure through a rigorous model including a designated mentor, logbook system and simulated tasks to build skills, confidence and competence.

Furthering the model, the ‘Learning and Development Pathway’ on overleaf demonstrates career pathways, and qualifications skillsets for all staff in MAX. Illustrating career growth options within the business.

The Academy delivery team consists of internal trainers and assessors, including a full-time Safework SA Assessor providing High-Risk Work licensing. The Academy provides 90 per cent of all training where previously generalised RTOs would deliver without any customisation and relational context to MAX and its clients.

MAX Managing Director Mark Kuhn with Elicia Amato

Elicia Amato has proudly achieved a Certificate III in Business through the MAX Academy and its strategic training partner TIME.

Mark Kuhn, Managing Director of MAX Services stated:

‘We are extremely proud of Elicia as she is the first Business trainee to complete her study and receive her accreditation in the 20 years plus MAX has been operating. We have big plans for Elicia in the business and we have started her next level of development!’

Quality assurance and delivery outcomes are consistently monitored through the internal Technical Advisory Group (TAG), our internal industry experts and nationally recognised as some of the best in the industry.

MAX Academy is actively participating in steering committees to continuously seek to improve the sectors MAX operates within and training and skills policies overall within Australia. They include:

  • Industry Reference Committee – training package reforms Nationally
  • Industry Skills Committee – reporting to both State and Commonwealth Training Skills Commissions on the future direction of skills and training innovations
  • Industry Training Hub – Port Pirie; one of ten across Australia. A Commonwealth initiative to provide career and skills direction for young people from school to industries

The next stage for the Academy is to provide training and skill development services to MAX Services key clients and stakeholders.

‘It’s not just a ticket, it’s your future’

Apprentices receive their training contracts

Apprentices waiting to receive their training contracts.

MAX Academy

MAX Managing Director Mark Kuhn with Chris Birch from CBCH and the apprentices.

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