Project case study
Market / Industry
Heavy Industrial
B3 Air Rotor change out at AGL’s Torrens Island Power Station.
MAX Services used its 1200t Liebherr LTM 11200-9.1 to assist UGL to change out the B3 air rotor at AGL’s Torrens Island Power Station. Tight access, low clearance and confined space set up were not an issue for the 1200.
MAX Services Heavy Lift Team assisted in all facets of project and lift planning, from conception to delivery including lift studies, CAD drafting, supply and supervision of all cranes and lifting equipment.
Call the Heavy Lift Team now on 08 8641 3955 / 1 to discuss your requirements and the availability of our 400-1200 tonne cranes. Email enquiries: http://bit.ly/2Yd3GRX